Médiathèque baha'ie |
List of the Tablets of Baha'u'llah Source: http://bahai-library.com/resources/leiden.list/leiden.list.html |
Name of Tablet | Brief notes | Primary Sources | Secondary
sources: first key texts, then supplementary texts |
Overviews of this period | 1853-63, Tablets in both Arabic and Persian | Many of these works haven't been authoritatively translated | Brief
mention by Baha'u'llah of this period Epistle to the Son of the Wold
22; overview God Passes By 120-24, 137; Revelation of Baha'u'llah
vol. 1 in toto; Baha'u'llah: King of Glory 115-22 Overviews of this period can be found in John Hatcher Ocean of His Words 77-80; Peter Smith The Babi and Baha'i Religions 62-65; Juan Cole "Baha'u'llah and the Naqshbandi Sufis" in From Iran East to West: Studies in Babi and Baha'i History vol. 2; Kamran Ekbal "The Zoroastrian Heritage of the 'Maid of Heaven'" in Scripture and Revelation 131 |
Az-Bagh- i-Ilahi (From The Garden of Holiness) | Alternating Persian and Arabic. | Gan 66 (incomplete) | Revelation of Baha'u'llah vol.1 211, 218-20 |
Four Valleys (Chihar-Vadi) | late Baghdad, 1858-1862. Persian. Addressee Shaykh Abdu'r-Rahman of Karkuk | AQA3 140-157. Trans. by Gail & Khan published in numerous forms. A partial academic prov. trans. by Juan Cole posted Irfan Nov/Dec 96 exists. | mentions
God Passes By 120-22 and 140; brief mention in Baha'u'llah: King
of Glory 163; discussion Revelation of Baha'u'llah vol.1 104;
mention of recipient Rev. Baha'u'llah vol. 1 62 Julio Savi explores themes of Tablet in "Will, Knowledge, and Love as Explained in Baha'u'llah's Four Valleys" in the Journal of Baha'i Studies 6:1 (1994), available online at bahai-library.com/ articles/jbs.6-1.savi.html; overview of history Bijan Ma'sumian "Baha'u'llah's Seclusion in Kurdistan" in Deepen magazine, available online at http://bahai-library.com/ articles/kurdistan.masumian.html; John Walbridge discusses these in Sacred Acts, Sacred Space, Sacred Time, 157-158 and 288; David Langness meditates on the Tablet in "Mystical Content and Symbology of Baha'u'llah's Four Valleys," available online at http://bahai-library.com/ essays/four.valleys.html; passing mentions Jack McLean Dimensions of Spirituality 7-8; Zaid Lundberg Baha'i Apocalypticism: The Concept of Progressive Revelation, available only online at bahai-library.com/ theses/apocalyptic/apocalypticism.05.html; see also student papers on Tablet at bahai-library.com/ students |
Hidden Words / Book of Fatimih / Hidden Book of Fatimih (Kalimat-i- Maknunih, Sahifiy-i- Fatimiyyih, Sahifiyyih- Maknuniyh- Fatimiyyih) | Baghdad. Arabic and Persian. 1274/1857 | MaM 17-32; MaM 373-398; INBA 30; Law-gold 1-55. Five trans. by Shoghi Effendi with slight variants, published in many forms: the first in 1923, the second in 1924, the third in 1925, the fourth in 1929, with a final revision in 1954. Earlier trans. of Arabic HW in Kheirella and McNutt, 1894 and 1900; E.G. Browne first translated parts for his rendition of A Traveller's Narrative in 1891; a Mrs. Stannard rendered it in English in 1921; and Amin Fareed trans. and published it in 1905; also French transl. by Dreyfus, Oeuvre1 | Quoted
in Baha'u'llah's "Book of the River," available online at http://bahai-library.com/
provisionals/river.html; Definition Messages 1963-86 743; mention
in Promulgation of Universal Peace 46, 148, 457; Selections from
the Writings of Abdu'l-Baha #17 and #181 (on interpretations of a number
of symbols); Traveller's Narrative 68-69 (abridged Wilmette edition);
mention Vignettes from the Life of Abdu'l-Baha 49; mentions in World
Order of Baha'u'llah 46 (on Persian#63), 59-60 (on P.#77) and 116 (also
on P.#77); discussion God Passes By 140; mentions (mostly regarding
translation and publication) in Unfolding Destiny 14, 23, 55, 86-87,
and general comments 429-30, 456; Directives of the Guardian 37 (on
A.#13); The Light of Divine Guidance vol. 2 65-67 (on Arabic#1, A.#70,
and A.#71, as well as comments on translation); Revelation of Baha'u'llah
vol.1 71-83; brief mentions Rev. Baha'u'llah vol. 4 53,
discussed in Baha'u'llah: King of Glory 159, sample of Mishqin-Qalam's
calligraphy of the Tablet ibid. 161 and 251; mentions of dating and naming
of Hidden Words in George Latimer's 1920 pilgrim's notes The Light of
the World, 98; brief mentions of translation in Ruhiyyih Rabbani The
Priceless Pearl 38, 205, 219; brief mention Dawnbreakers 9 Complete discussion in Diana Malouf Unveiling the Hidden Words and also her article "The Hidden Words of Baha'u'llah: Translation Norms Employed by Shoghi Effendi," in The Vision of Shoghi Effendi; literary and symbolic analyses in John Hatcher Ocean of His Words 36-40, 108-111, 181-193; full coverage Julio Savi "The Love Relationship between God and Humanity: Reflections on Baha'u'llah's Hidden Words" in Scripture and Revelation, available online at bahai-library.com/ articles/hiddenwords.savi.html; brief mentions in Bahiyyih Nakhjavani Asking Questions 3, 26; E.G. Browne discusses this Tablet and its mythological origins in the original Traveller's Narrative 122-126, available online at http://bahai-library.com/ books/tn/tn.translation.html; coverage in Franklin Lewis' "Scripture as Literature," available only online at bahai-library.com/ conferences/scripture.lit.html; comments John Hatcher "The Validity and Value of an Historical-Critical Approach" in Scripture and Revelation 34 (on Persian#77), 39; David Hofman discusses George Townshend's role in the authorized translation in George Townshend 56-59, 78-79; discussion Stephen Lambden "Sinaitic Mysteries: Notes on Moses/Sinai Motifs" in Studies in Honor of the Late Hasan M. Balyuzi: Studies in the Babi and Baha'i Religions vol. 5 120-22 and Stephen Lambden "Apophatic Theology in Babi and Baha'i Scripture" in Revisioning the Sacred: Studies in the Babi and Baha'i Religions vol. 8 59; comments Stephen Lambden "The Word Baha': The Quintessence of the Greatest Name of God" in Journal of Baha'i Studies 8:2 (1997-1998) [republished from Baha'i Studies Review 3.1 (1993)] 18 and n.10 (on P.#77), 38 (on intro), available online in two drafts, one at bahai-library.com/ articles/baha.2.html and one at bahai-library.com/ encyclopedia/greatest.name.html; brief mentions Ramona Brown Memories of Abdu'l-Baha 6, 28; Peter Smith The Babi and Baha'i Religions 64; Sen McGlinn "Commentary on Kitab-i Aqdas verse one," available online at bahai-library.com/ essays/aqdas.verse1.html (on P.#19); calligraphic renditions of some Hidden Words by Mishqin Qalam reproduced in Julie Oeming Badiee and Heshmatollah Badiee "The Calligraphy of Mishkin-Qalam" in Journal of Baha'i Studies 3:4 (1990-1991) 5, 11, discussion ibid. passim; Jack McLean Dimensions of Spirituality 121-23 (on P.#19), 185-86 (on P.#26), 218, 244, 261 (on Arabic#55); symbolism of the Maiden in Hidden Words in Ross Woodman "In the Beginning was the Word: Apocalypse and the Education of the Soul" in Journal of Baha'i Studies 5:4 (1993-1994) 37, 43, 55; symbolism of creation of humankind Michael Sours "Baha'i Cosmological Symbolism and the Ecofeminist Critique" in Journal of Baha'i Studies 7:1 (1995) 30; brief discussion of Divine "Feminine" Ross Woodman "The Role of the Feminine in the Baha'i Faith" in Journal of Baha'i Studies 7:2 (1995) 95-96; Christopher Buck "A Symbolic Profile of the Baha'i Faith" Journal of Baha'i Studies 8:4 (1998) 30 (on P.#1), 32 (on A.#63); discussion on the place of the Iqan in the Baha'i Faith in Seena Fazel and Khazeh Fananapazir "The Station of the Kitab-i-Iqan" in Baha'i Studies Review 3:1 (1993), online at bahai-library.com/ articles/station.iqan.html; see also student papers on Tablet at bahai-library.com/ students |
Hur-i-Ujab (The Wondrous Maiden) | Baghdad. Arabic, rhyming prose | Discussion
Revelation of Baha'u'llah vol.1 211, 218 Brief description of content in John Walbridge Sacred Acts 239 |
Hurufat-i -'Allin, Musibat-i- Hurufat-i- 'aliyyat (The Exalted Letters) | Baghdad. Arabic, but also translated by Baha'u'llah into Persian. Often used as a prayer for the deceased. Addressees Maryam and Havva | T&T 242-270; AHM 217-8 | Discussion
in Revelation of Baha'u'llah vol.1 122-25; mention of recipient (Maryam)
Rev. Baha'u'llah vol. 1 12-13, 61; mention of recipient (Maryam)
Baha'u'llah: King of Glory 14, 102, 117 Coverage by John Walbridge in Sacred Acts, Sacred Space, Sacred Time 267-268 |
Javahiru'l- Asrar (The Essence of Mysteries, The Gems of Mysteries) | Baghdad. Arabic. In reply to questions of Siyyid Yusuf-i-Sidihi | AQA3 4-88; Leiden Ms Or 4970, item 1. A prov. trans. exists by Juan Cole | Mentioned
God Passes By 140; Discussed Revelation of Baha'u'llah vol.1
151-52. Discussion by Stephen Lambden in "Apophatic Theology in Babi and Baha'i Scripture" in Revisioning the Sacred: New Perspectives on a Baha'i Theology 63 and 77n.121; brief discussion in Juan Cole, "The Concept of Manifestation in the Baha'i Writings" 18 and 24, available online at http://www-personal.umich.edu/ ~jrcole/bhmanif.htm; passing mention Peter Smith The Babi and Baha'i Religions 83; discussion of Biblical quotations in this Tablet Stephen Lambden "Paraclete, Ahmad and the Comforter" in Scripture and Revelation 90, 102, 121-22 (notes 100, 104) |
Kitab-i- Iqan (The Book of Certitude) | Baghdad, dated in various Mss as A.H. 1278 or 1280 (1861/2 or 1863/4), the latter date possibly marking an editing with marginal glosses by Baha'u'llah. Persian, with Arabic quotations. Addressee Haji Mirza Siyyid Muhammad | Various printings. Bibliographical history in C. Buck, Symbol and Secret, pp. 14-37. Persian. English trans. Shoghi Effendi 1946; Earlier trans. by Ali Quli Khan is more literal. French trans. "Le Livre de la Certitude" by Hippolyte Dreyfus & Mirza Habib-Ullah Chirazi, Paris, Ernest Leroux, 1904, contains an additional excordium. The 1893 lithograph, in the hand of Mishqin Qalam, has been published online in .gif format at h-net2.msu.edu/ ~bahai/areprint/ baha/G-/I/ iqan1893/ iqan1893.htm. Ishraq-Khavari wrote a 4-volume tafsir dictionary of the Iqan, Qamus-i-Iqan; a translation of the original four questions submitted to Baha'u'llah, in answer to which the Iqan was revealed, are available only online at bahai-library.com/ histories/ iqan.questions.html | Brief
mention in Promulgation of Universal Peace 151; God Passes By
138-39; various topics in Unfolding Destiny 424-26, 430, 432, 451;
Messages from the Universal House of Justice 1963-86 547; discussed
Baha'u'llah: King of Glory 163-67, 266; mention of recipient Baha'u'llah:
King of Glory 344, 388, 405; discussion Covenant of Baha'u'llah
74-76, 101, 201; mention of recipient Eminent Baha'is in the Time of
Baha'u'llah 35 (footnote), 121, 217-18, 220-21, 226-27, 229; discussion
of recipient and the Iqan The Bab 86-87, 107; mention Abdu'l-Baha:
The Centre of the Covenant 109, 527 (n.62); discussion Revelation
of Baha'u'llah vol.1 153-197; Rev. Baha'u'llah vol. 2
52, 68-70, 101, 219-20, 370; brief mentions Rev. Baha'u'llah vol.
3 39, 93, 98, 275, 302-03, 334; Rev. Baha'u'llah vol. 4
95, 136, 140, 152, 154, 207, 295, 322, 329, 385, 421; mention of addressee
Rev. Baha'u'llah vol. 4 329; comment in Ruhiyyih Rabbani The
Priceless Pearl 214, repeated in her Shoghi Effendi 91 The most complete discussion is by Christopher Buck, Symbol and Secret: Qur'an Commentary in Baha'u'llah's Kitab-i-Iqan, where translation history, theology, and symbolism are discussed; see also review of same by Frank Lewis in Baha'i Studies Review 6 (1996); Buck also published a study online, "The Kitab-i Iqan: An Introduction to Baha'u'llah's Book of Certitude with Two Digital Reprints of Early Lithographs," at http://h-net2.msu.edu/ ~bahai/bhpapers/vol2/iqan&sn.htm and a lengthy meditation on Baha'u'llah's program of "world reform" as delineated by the Iqan in "Baha'u'llah as World Reformer" in Journal of Baha'i Studies 3:4 (1999-1991) 23-68 passim; brief summary of themes and history of Iqan in Nasser Sabet "An Introduction to the Kitab-i-Iqan" in Journal of Baha'i Studies 3:4 (1999-1991) 71-75; John Hatcher's Ocean of His Words includes much discussion of the Iqan: passing mentions 45-49, 73-76, 111-114, discussion of the "true seeker" 152-53, complete treatment and a detailed outline 247-337; discussion of the content and publication history of the Iqan by E.G. Browne in Moojan Momen Selections from the Writings of E. G. Browne 250-254; short literary discussion Peter Smith The Babi and Baha'i Religions 63-65; discussion Stephen Lambden "Sinaitic Mysteries: Notes on Moses/Sinai Motifs" in Studies in Honor of the Late Hasan M. Balyuzi: Studies in the Babi and Baha'i Religions vol. 5 122 and Stephen Lambden "Apophatic Theology in Babi and Baha'i Scripture" in Revisioning the Sacred 64; mentions in Hatcher and Martin The Baha'i Faith 37, 81, 84, 116; Bahiyyih Nakhjani Asking Questions 132; John Walbridge Sacred Acts 157, 159; John Hatcher "The Validity and Value of an Historical-Critical Approach" in Scripture and Revelation 35-36, 39; Robert Stockman "Revelation, Interpretation, and Elucidation" in Scripture and Revelation 58, 60, 64-65; discussion of Biblical quotations in this Tablet Stephen Lambden "Paraclete, Ahmad and the Comforter" in Scripture and Revelation 90-91; discussion of some of the Iqan's "inner teachings" in Ross Woodman "The Inner Dimensions of Revelation" in Scripture and Revelation 343-47; comments on symbolism in Michael Sours "The Maid of Heaven, the Image of Sophia, and the Logos" in Journal of Baha'i Studies 4:1 (1991) 49 and passim; comments on interpretation in Seena Fazel and Khazeh Fananapazir "Some Interpretive Principles in the Baha'i Writings" in Bahai Studies Review 2:1 (1992) 4-8 and Dann May "A Preliminary Survey of Hermeneutical Principles Found within the Baha'i Writings" in Journal of Baha'i Studies 1:2 (1989) 41-52; short discussion of theology in the Iqan in Michael Sours "Seeing with the Eye of God" in Bahai Studies Review 1:1 (1991) 31-32 and some notes; comments on Iqan's reception in Moojan Momen "Learning from History" in Journal of Baha'i Studies 2:2 (1989-1990) 57, 63; some discussion of eschatology in Ross Woodman "The End of the World" in Journal of Baha'i Studies 3:2 (1990-1991) passim; mention of relevance of Iqan to Baha'i theology Jack McLean "Prolegomena to a Baha'i Theology" in Journal of Baha'i Studies 5:1 (1992) 49-50, 61; passing mentions Jack McLean Dimensions of Spirituality 5, 11-12, 23, 156, 247; discussion of theology Michael Sours "Immanence and Transcendence in Divine Scripture" in Journal of Baha'i Studies 5:2 (1992) passim; discussion of Islamic symbolism Seena Fazel and Khazeh Fananapazir "A Baha'i Approach to the Claim of Finality in Islam" in Journal of Baha'i Studies 5:3 (1993) passim, available online at http://bahai-library.com/ articles/jbs.5-3.fazel.html; symbolism of the Maiden in Iqan in Ross Woodman "In the Beginning was the Word: Apocalypse and the Education of the Soul" in Journal of Baha'i Studies 5:4 (1993-1994) 36, 39-40, 52-54; passing mentions of "social theology" John Hatcher "Unsealing the Choice Wine at the Family Reunion" in Journal of Baha'i Studies 6:3 (1994); comments on cosmology and ecology Michael Sours "Baha'i Cosmological Symbolism and the Ecofeminist Critique" in Journal of Baha'i Studies 7:1 (1995) passim; discussions of gender symbolism Ross Woodman "The Role of the Feminine in the Baha'i Faith" in Journal of Baha'i Studies 7:2 (1995) passim; examination of meaning of metaphor in Iqan in Ross Woodman "Metaphor and the Language of Revelation" in Journal of Baha'i Studies 8:1 (1997) 18-25; comments on epistemology and the Iqan Jalil Mahmoudi "Irfan, Gnosis, or Mystical Knowledge" in World Order 7:4 (1973) 5-15 and Jack McLean "The Knowledge of God: An Essay on Baha'i Epistemology" in World Order 12:3 (1978) 48-49; discussion of the Islamic concept of "corruption of texts" (tahrif) William Collins "Islam's Tahrif: Implications for the Baha'i Faith" in World Order 11:1 (1976) 22-30 |
Ayiy-i-Nur (Tablet of the Verse of Light) Also known as Tafsir-i- Hurufat-i- Muqatta'ib (Interpretation of the Isolated Letters) |
Baghdad. Arabic. Addressee is Mirza Aqay-i- Rikab-Saz | MA4 49-82. A prov. trans. by Stephen Lambden exists | circumstances
and discussion in Rev. Baha'u'llah vol.1 125-28; mention God Passes
By 140; on the meaning of the isolated letters, see Kitab-i-Iqan 202-203
and Dawnbreakers p. 156 (posted with other secondary quotations at Baha'i
Academics Bulletin Board archive, available online at bahai-library.com/
wwwboard/index98.html). Lengthy discussion of symbolism Stephen Lambden "Sinaitic Mysteries: Notes on Moses/Sinai Motifs" in Studies in Honor of the Late Hasan M. Balyuzi 117-120 |
Ayyub (Tablet of Job) Also known as Suriy-i-Sabr and Madinatu's- Sabr (Surih- or City of Patience) |
Baghdad (Ridvan, on 22 April 1863). Arabic. Addressee Haji Muhammad- Taqi-i-Nayrizi (not to be confused with Haji Mirza Muhammad-Taqi, Vakilu'd-Dawlih) | AyT 262-304; LAnv1 379-408. Prov. trans.s exist by Khazeh Fananapazir, Habib Taherzadeh, and Stephen Lambden | discussed
Rev. Baha'u'llah vol.1 263-73 passim; mention of recipient ibid.
141 (and footnote); mention God Passes By 140; Bio of recipient in
Baha'u'llah: King of Glory 130-131; Tablet mentioned in ibid. 195;
partial bio of recipient Rev. Baha'u'llah vol.1 138-44; Brief definition John Walbridge Sacred Acts 239; discussion of symbolism Stephen Lambden "Sinaitic Mysteries: Notes on Moses/Sinai Motifs" in Studies in Honor of the Late Hasan M. Balyuzi 125; some history of recipient Ali-Akbar Furutan, comp., Stories of Baha'u'llah 17-18 |
Lawh-i- Fitnih (Tablet of the Test) | Baghdad or Edirne. Arabic. Addressee Shams-i-Jahan, entitled Varaqatu'r- Ridvan (one of several tablets for her). | MA4 261-265 | Discussion Rev. Baha'u'llah vol.1 128-129, 136-37 |
Lawh-i- Ghulamu'l- Khuld (Tablet of the Deathless Youth, Eternal Youth, Youth of Paradise) | Baghdad. Arabic and Persian | AyT 92-99. Prov. trans. exists.John Walbridge with annotations online | Discussion
Rev. Baha'u'llah vol.1 211-14 discussion in Walbridge Sacred Acts 159, 161-163, 222, and also his "Erotic Imagery In the Allegorical Writings of Baha'u'llah" available online at bahai-library.com/ unpubl.articles/erotic.allegory.html |
Lawh-i- Huriyyih (Tablet of the Maiden, Tablet of the Houri) | Baghdad. Arabic, dialogue form. | AQA4(i) 342-350; AQA4(rev) 379-391. Prov. trans. Juan Cole, available online exists | Brief
discussion Rev. Baha'u'llah vol.1 125; mention God Passes By
140; Mention in Baha'u'llah: King of Glory 167 Discussion in David Ruhe Robe of Light: The Persian Years of the Supreme Prophet Baha'u'llah 1817-1853 187-88; brief mention in Baha'u'llah: King of Glory 167, where it is referred to as "Prayer of the Maiden;" discussion in Walbridge Sacred Acts 158-161, and also his "Erotic Imagery In the Allegorical Writings of Baha'u'llah" available online at bahai-library.com/ unpubl.articles/erotic.allegory.html Discussions of the Maiden, though without mention of this Tablet, include Kamran Ekbal "The Zoroastrian Heritage of the 'Maid of Heaven'" in Scripture and Revelation; Ross Woodman "The Inner Dimensions of Revelation" in Scripture and Revelation 347-49, 353-56, 362-64; Michael Sours "The Maid of Heaven, the Image of Sophia, and the Logos" in Journal of Baha'i Studies 4:1 (1991) passim; Paula A. Drewek "Feminine Forms of the Divine in Baha'i Scripture" in Journal of Baha'i Studies 5:1 (1992) passim; Michael Sours "Immanence and Transcendence in Divine Scripture" in Journal of Baha'i Studies 5:2 (1992) 40-44 |
Lawh-i- Kullu't- Ta'am (Tablet of All Food) | Baghdad, probably late 1853, certainly before April 1854. Arabic. An esoteric commentary on Qur'an 3:87, and against antinomian tendencies in Babi community. Addressee Haji Mirza Kamalu'd-Din | Partial trans. Shoghi Effendi in GPB 116. A good text in INBA 36:268-277; MA4 265-276 (or is it 260-70?) said to be 'inadequate'; RM2 416-426 (slightly better). Prov. trans. has been published by Stephen Lambden, Baha'i Studies Bulletin 3:1 (June 1984): 4-67 | mentions
in Rev. Baha'u'llah vol.1 50-55 passim; discussed in God Passes
By 116-117 and a short passage translated on p. 118; Discussed in Baha'u'llah:
King of Glory 112-113; mention Covenant of Baha'u'llah 69 Full discussion Bijan Ma'sumian "The Realms of Divine Existence as Described in the Tablet of All Food" in Deepen magazine 3:2:2 (Summer, 1994), available online at bahai-library.com/ articles/allfood.masumian.html; Stephen Lambden "A Tablet of Baha'u'llah: The Tablet of All Food" in Baha'i Studies Bulletin 3:1 (June 1984) 4-67; full discussion of cosmology of Tablet Moojan Momen "Relativism: A Basis for Baha'i Metaphysics," in Studies in Honor of the Late Hasan M. Balyuzi: Studies in the Babi and Baha'i Religions vol. 5 190-94; brief discussion Stephen Lambden "Sinaitic Mysteries: Notes on Moses/Sinai Motifs" in Studies in Honor of the Late Hasan M. Balyuzi 110 and Stephen Lambden "Apophatic Theology in Babi and Baha'i Scripture" in Revisioning the Sacred: Studies in the Babi and Baha'i Religions vol. 8 59; Juan Cole addresses terminology in "Baha'u'llah and the Naqshbandi Sufis" in From Iran East to West: Studies in Babi and Baha'i History vol. 2; Jack McLean produces a thorough analysis of the worlds of God in "Prolegomenon to a Baha'i Theology" Journal of Baha'i Studies 5:1 (1992), esp. 58-60, with a description of this Tablet page 53n.55, available online at bahai-library.com/ articles/jbs.5-1.mclean.html; passing mentions John Hatcher Ocean of His Words 82, 84; Peter Smith The Babi and Baha'i Religions 62 |
Lawh-i- Madinatu't- Tawhid (The City of Divine Unity, or, in the Guardian's translation, Tablet of the City of Unity) | Baghdad ca. 1858 (or later?). Arabic. Addressee Shaykh Salman | Section trans. in Gleanings XXIV. AQA4 313-329; MA4 313-29. Unpublished study and prov. trans. by Steve Lambden has been done | biography
of subject in Memorials of the Faithful 13-16; mentions in 109, 113-19
passim; mention God Passes By 140-41; discussion Rev. Baha'u'llah
vol.1 109-119; mention of subject Rev. Baha'u'llah vol.1 255-56;
vol.2 67, 168, 208, 263, 283, 384, 400; vol.3 174-75; vol.4 172; Covenant
of Baha'u'llah 63-64, 87; 'Abdul-Baha: Centre of the Covenant
96; Stories from the Delight of Hearts 133 discussion Stephen Lambden in "Apophatic Theology in Babi and Baha'i Scripture" Revisioning the Sacred 62-63; discussion of Divine Unity (though without mention of this Tablet) Mirza Abu'l-Fadl Golpaygani "Treating of the meaning of Divine Unity..." in The Baha'i Proofs 137-153; mentions in Juan Cole "The Concept of Manifestation in the Baha'i Writings" (Baha'i Studies vol. 9) 3 and Jack McLean "Prolegomena to a Baha'i Theology" in Journal of Baha'i Studies 5:1 (1992) 51 |
Madinatu'r- Rida (City of Radiant Acquiescence) | Baghdad. Arabic | Published in AQA4 (first edition) 135-149: in the second edition (AQA4(i)) it is listed among the tablets removed because no reliable MS could be found. Prov. trans. Juan Cole exists | discussion Rev. Baha'u'llah vol.1 108-09 |
Qasidiy-i- Varqa'iyyih (Ode of Dove); full title Qasidiy-i-'Izz- Varqa'iyyih | Sulaymaniyyih. Arabic, with Persian notes by Baha'u'llah | Short extract transl. Shoghi Effendi GPB 116. AQA3 196-215; MA4 197-209. Prov. trans.s of both the (Arabic) Tablet and Baha'u'llah's (Persian) notes on it exist, one published by Denis MacEoin, Baha'i Studies Bulletin 2:2, & comments 2:3, 2:4; also trans. Juan Cole, available online | Rev.
Baha'u'llah vol.1 62-64, 84-85; Rev. Baha'u'llah vol. 3
206; discussion God Passes By 123, mention ibid. 118; discussed Baha'u'llah:
King of Glory 118, and briefly 294, 415; Eminent Baha'is in the Time
of Baha'u'llah 98; brief mention Dawnbreakers 9 Lengthy discussion of symbolism Stephen Lambden "Sinaitic Mysteries: Notes on Moses/Sinai Motifs" in Studies in Honor of the Late Hasan M. Balyuzi 111-16; discussion of historical context in Juan Cole "Baha'u'llah and the Naqshbandi Sufis," in From Iran East to West: Studies in Babi and Baha'i History vol. 2; some coverage in Franklin Lewis' "Scripture as Literature," available online at bahai-library.com/ conferences/scripture.lit.html; discussion of literary form and this Tablet's Sufi background in Jonah Winters Themes of 'The Erotic' in Sufi Mysticism," available online at bahai-library.com/ personal/jw/my.papers/ Erotic.mystcsm.html; dialogue on translation Juan Cole and Denis MacEoin "Exchanges on Baha'u'llah's al-Qasida al-Warqa'iyya" in Baha'i Studies Bulletin 2:4 (March 1984) 44-57; brief mention Peter Smith The Babi and Baha'i Religions 64; the original poem which Baha'u'llah is modelling is, to my knowledge, only available in (partial) translation in R. A. Nicholson Studies in Islamic Mysticism |
Rashh-i- 'Ama (Sprinkling of the Cloud of Unknowing) | Tehran, 1853/3. Persian | M4:184-6; INBAMC 36:460-1. Persian. Prov. trans. & commentary has been published by Stephen Lambden, Baha'i Studies Bulletin 3:2 September 1984 | discussion
Rev. Baha'u'llah vol.1 45-46, 51; discussion Covenant of Baha'u'llah
52-53 Very detailed discussion Stephen Lambden "An Early Poem of Baha'u'llah: The Sprinkling of the Cloud of Unknowing" in Baha'i Studies Bulletin 3:2 (Sept. 1984) 4-114; description David Ruhe Robe of Light 164, brief discussion Stephen Lambden "Sinaitic Mysteries: Notes on Moses/Sinai Motifs" in Studies in Honor of the Late Hasan M. Balyuzi, 109; detailed discussion in Juan Cole "Baha'u'llah and the Naqshbandi Sufis," in From Iran East to West; discussion of the role of the Maid of Heaven in Kamran Ekbal "The Zoroastrian Heritage of the 'Maid of Heaven'" in Scripture and Revelation 129 |
Sahifiy-i- Shattiyyih (Book of the Tigris, Book of the River) | Baghdad (1857?). Persian, with Arabic citations | MA4 142-149; RM1 349-357. Prov. trans. Juan Cole. exists | Mention God Passes By 141; Discussion Rev. Baha'u'llah vol.1 105-8 |
Seven Valleys (Haft-Vadi) | late Baghdad, 1858-1862. Persian. Written in response to questions of Muhyi'd-Din, Shaykh | Numerous published trans. see Collins; trans. of Excordium by Stephen Lambden, with occasional notes, Pt. 01 BSB 6:2-3 (26-74). AQA3 92-137; INBA35. French trans. by Dreyfus and Chirazi bound with Les Paroles cachées contains additional excordium; French transl. by Dreyfus Oeuvre1 1923. First translated into English by Ali Kuli Khan in 1906 and reprinted frequently. A revised trans. published in 1945, done by Khan and his daughter Marzieh Gail, is to this day the standard trans. Hippolyte Dreyfus also trans. it into French directly from the Persian a year before Kuli Khan's English version, in 1905, with Julie Chanler then re-translating it from the French into English in 1936 | mention
in Promulgation of Universal Peace 244, God Passes By 140;
mention of meaning of "guardian" Unfolding Destiny 453; Discussed
Baha'u'llah: King of Glory 161-63; mentioned ibid. 139; discussion
Rev. Baha'u'llah vol.1 96-104; mentioned ibid 151; Rev. Baha'u'llah
vol. 2 26, Rev. Baha'u'llah vol. 4 142, 181 Complete treatment in Stephen Lambden "The Seven Valleys of Baha'u'llah: A Provisional Translation with Occasional Notes, pt. 1," in Baha'i Studies Bulletin 6:2-3 (Feb. 1992) 26-74, continued in Baha'i Studies Bulletin 6:4-7:2 (1992) 129-34 and John Walbridge Sacred Acts 150-157 and 287-288; discussion of the Valleys of Love and Knowledge in B. Hoff Conow The Baha'i Teachings 122-24; brief notes on the Valley of Nothingness Rodney Clarken "Absolute Poverty and Utter Nothingness" in Journal of Baha'i Studies 8:1 (1997) 30, 40; passing mentions in John Hatcher Ocean of His Words 87, 103-107, 134-135, 194-201; Peter Smith The Babi and Baha'i Religions 64, 81; Stephen Lambden "Paraclete, Ahmad and the Comforter" in Scripture and Revelation 89; Jack McLean "Prolegomena to a Baha'i Theology" in Journal of Baha'i Studies 5:1 (1992) 54-55; Julio Savi "Will, Knowledge, and Love as Explained in Baha'u'llah's Four Valleys" in the Journal of Baha'i Studies 6:1 (1994), available online at bahai-library.com/ articles/jbs.6-1.savi.html; relation of Seven Valleys to Attar's Conference of the Birds Michael Sours "Immanence and Transcendence in Divine Scripture" in Journal of Baha'i Studies 5:2 (1992) 16-18 and notes; detailed discussion of symbolic relations between Attar's Conference and Seven Valleys Christopher Buck "A Symbolic Profile of the Baha'i Faith" Journal of Baha'i Studies 8:4 (1998) 26-30; comments on mystic knowledge Jack McLean "The Knowledge of God: An Essay on Baha'i Epistemology" in World Order 12:3 (1978) 50-52; see also student papers on Tablet at bahai-library.com/ students Discussions of mysticism, many with passing references to the Seven Valleys, in Glenn Shook Mysticism, Science, and Revelation; Farnaz Ma'sumian "Mysticism and the Baha'i Faith" in Deepen, 6.3 (1995), available online at bahai-library.com/ articles/mysticism.masumian.html; Moojan Momen "The Psychology of Mysticism and its Relationship to the Baha'i Faith" in Baha'i Studies Bulletin 2.4 (1984); William S. Hatcher "Myths, Models, and Mysticism" in Logic and Logos: Essays on Science, Religion, and Philosophy; Jack McLean Dimensions of Spirituality 8, 82-88, 130, 244 |
Shikkar- Shikan -Shavand (Sweet Scented Being) | Baghdad. Persian. Addressee Mirza Sa'id Khan, although Taherzadeh says it was Siyyid Husayn-i- Mutivvaly-i -Qumi | First half trans. in "The Baha'i World", vol 18, p 11 (by Habib Taherzadeh?). DiD 147-153; INBA30. Prov. trans. also existsShahrokh Monjazeb | Discussed
Rev. Baha'u'llah vol.1 147-50; Baha'u'llah: King of Glory
149 (see also footnote), 446; mention of addressee ibid 89, 100-01; mention
of Sa'id Khan Rev. Baha'u'llah vol. 1 225-26, Rev. Baha'u'llah
vol. 2 131-34 Leiden List adds: Ishraq-Khavari and Muhammad-Ali Faizi consider this was the tablet referred to in the Tablet to the Shah, cited in Traveller's Narrative p 110 of Browne's trans., p 62 of the abridged Baha'i edition, but the content does not seem to match. |
Subhana- Rabbiya'l- A'la (Praise to the Exalted Lord) | Baghdad. Arabic. A Maiden tablet. Addressee Haji Mirza Musay-i- Javahiri, known as Harf-i-Baqa | Gan 61-64 | Discussion in Rev. Baha'u'llah vol.1 211-13; mention of addressee Rev. Baha'u'llah vol. 2 329; mention addressee Baha'u'llah: King of Glory 174, 250 |
Suriy-i- Nush (Tablet of Advice) | Baghdad. Arabic. Addressee Siyyid Ja'far-i-Yazdi | MA4 135-136 (incomp.) | Discussed Rev. Baha'u'llah vol.1 137, 142, 146; mention of addressee Rev. Baha'u'llah vol. 1 331 |
Suriy-i- Qadir (Surih of the Omnipotent) | Taherzadeh dates Baghdad; Cole dates Edirne (?1866?) | AQA4(i) 317-320; AQA4(rev) 373-378. Prov. trans. exists Juan Cole | Discussion in Rev. Baha'u'llah vol.1 119-22 |
Tablet of the Holy Mariner (Lawh-i- Mallahu'l- Quds) | Baghdad. Arabic and Persian sections | Arabic section trans. Shoghi Effendi and published in many sources, including Prayers for Special Occasions (=Baha'i Prayers, British) 51-7; Rev. Baha'u'llah vol.1 228-244; 'Rituals' 127-8. Photographic reproduction in frontispiece of Rev. Baha'u'llah vol.1. AQA4 335-341; ?MA4 335-41?. Earlier trans. in Star of the West, vol. 13, no. 4, pp. 75-77 contains misprints. Prov. trans. of Persian section also exists Shahroakh Monjazeb | Mention
Selections from the Writings of Abdul-Baha para. 233.15 (p. 314);
discussion in Rev. Baha'u'llah vol.1 228-243; mention in Rev.
Baha'u'llah vol. 2 6; discussion God Passes By 147-48;
mention ibid. 140; Baha'u'llah: King of Glory 154; brief discussion
Covenant of Baha'u'llah 167-68 Full treatment in Michael Sours Beyond the Mystic Veil: An Illustrated Guide to Baha'u'llah's Tablet of the Holy Mariner (as yet unpublished); John Walbridge Sacred Acts 159-165, 234; John Hatcher Ocean of His Words 39, 49-51, 88-96, 135-137; discussion of historical context John Hatcher "The Validity and Value of an Historical-Critical Approach" in Scripture and Revelation 41-42; discussion of the role of the Maiden in Kamran Ekbal "The Zoroastrian Heritage of the 'Maid of Heaven'" in Scripture and Revelation 155-56; discussion of the Maiden in Ross Woodman "The Inner Dimensions of Revelation" in Scripture and Revelation 347-49, 353-56, 362-64; Paula A. Drewek "Feminine Forms of the Divine in Baha'i Scripture" in Journal of Baha'i Studies 5:1 (1992) 20-21; detailed overview of symbolism Christopher Buck "A Symbolic Profile of the Baha'i Faith" in Journal of Baha'i Studies 8:4 (1998) 37-44 |
Name of tablet | Brief notes | Primary Sources (translations) | Secondary
sources: first key texts, then supplementary texts |
Overviews of this period | notes
on Adrianople Momen Basic Baha'i Dictionary 10; mentions of period
Baha'u'llah ESW 68-9, 106-8, 123-5, 132, 137; mentions of Adrianople
Baha'u'llah Aqdas K37, Q100, n33, n63, n190; mentions of Constantinople
Aqdas 15, K89, 164, n107, n119-20, n178; mentions of and addresses
to Kings Aqdas K78-93, 163; anecdotes from period Furutan Stories
of Baha'u'llah 31-41; anecdotes from period Muhammad Aliy-i Salmani
My Memories 25-70 passim, 93-105; overview of period Abdu'l-Baha
SAQ 31-4; mentions of period and tablets to kings PUP 12,
27, 202-3, 223-4, 301, 372, 388, 398; eyewitness discussion of the Adrianople
period Mirza Haydar-Ali Stories Delight of Hearts 21-8; GPB
171-7, PDC paragraphs 12, 22, 41-61, 68-119, 152-62, 170-5, 210;
Balyuzi BKoG 196-260; Revelation vol.3 108-10 brief overview of letters to the Kings Hatcher Ocean of His Words 126-31; discussion of Baha'u'llah's self disclosure in these tablets Buck Paradise and Paradigm 139-41; notes on the duties of the kings Peter Smith The Babi and Baha'i Religions 74-7; many mentions of period and of themes of Baha'u'llahs revelation during in Juan Cole Modernity and the Millennium passim; some discussions of period Cole "Redating the Surah of God," in BSB 6:4-7:2 (October 1992); passing mentions Stephen Lambden "Some Notes on Baha'u'llah's Gradually-Evolving Claims of the Adrianople/Edirne Period," in BSB 5:3-6:1 (June 1991), 75-83; overview of regional politics in the period in Moojan Momen "The Baha'i Influence on the Reform Movements of the Islamic World in the 1860s and 1870s," in BSB 2:2 (September 1983), 47-65 |
("The Wondrous Book," "the Unique Book") |
Edirne. Note: tablet bears no relation to the person surnamed Badi' Mainly Persian. Apologia to Azalis. Addressee is Mirza Mihdiy-i Gilani or Mirza Mihdiy-i Rashti (not to be confused with Baha'u'llah's son Mirza Mihdi, surnamed "the purest Branch"], in the form of the words of Aqa Muhammad-'Ali Tambaku-Furush of Isfahan (the recipient of the tablet Subhanika-Ya-Hu, also known as the Lawh-i Naqus, Tablet of the Bell) |
Two sentences trans. GPB 28 | mentioned
GPB 172; mentioned Balyuzi BKoG 124, 245 footnote, 257; brief
discussion Taherzadeh Revelation vol.1 102, 250, 279; described Revelation
vol.2 370-387 description Hatcher Ocean of His Words 84-86; analysis of one passage Buck Paradise and Paradigm 327 |
Arabic (Tablet to Ahmad) |
about 1865. Addressee Ahmad-i Yazdi. |
va Tahlil 215-218; Rosen3 t4; Ad'iyyih-i H.Mahbub 193-9; Nafahat-i Fadl
1; INBA 30. Ms in the hand of Baha'u'llah. Mss also in hand of 'Abdu'l-
Baha. Trans. 1924 by Shoghi Effendi with the assistance of Dr. Esslemont and printed in many prayerbooks, from 1933 on, including Baha'i Prayers, US 1991 209; MacEoin Rituals 121-2 (abridged one para.). Earlier translations appear in early prayerbooks. |
notes Momen Basic Baha'i Dictionary 11; brief mention Balyuzi BKoG
217; discussed Taherzadeh Revelation vol.2 107-36; mention of recipient
Revelation vol.3 257; discussion of meaning of sincerity in tablet
Revelation vol.4 141 paper by Omid Furutan presented at the 7th Annual Grand Canyon Baha'i Conference December 1991; extensive description and analysis Hatcher Ocean of His Words 340-378; discussion of historical relevance of recipient to tablet John Hatcher "The Validity and Value of an Historical-Critical Approach" in BS3 42-6; analysis of the name "Ahmad" (though no mention of this tablet) Stephen Lambden "Prophecy in the Johannine Farewell Discourse" in BS3 76-89; meanings of tablet Seena Fazel "Understanding Exclusivist Texts" in BS3 269-70 |
Persian (Tablet to Ahmad) |
Edirne. Addressee is Haji Mirza Ahmad of Kashan. |
Alvah-i Mubarakih 315-330; Darya-i Danish 114-130. One of the tablets of
Ahmad is in INBA30. Almost two thirds has been trans. Gleanings CLII (=Majmu'ih-yi Alvah-i Mubarakih 317-9/Darya-i Danish 116-8) and Gleanings CLIII (=Majmu'ih-yi Alvah-i Mubarakih 315-6, 320-22, 324-7, 328-9 / Darya-i Danish 114-5, 119-21, 123-6, 128-9). |
notes Momen Basic Baha'i Dictionary 11-12; anecdotes of tablet and
recipient Salmani My Memories 46-50 and elsewhere, passim; mentions
of tablet and discussion of recipient Balyuzi BKoG 157, 179, 202,
220-3, 227, 231, 253, 261, 323, illustration 200; tablet mentioned Taherzadeh
Covenant 82 and footnote; discussed Taherzadeh Revelation
vol.2 137-151, mention of recipient 67, 118, 127, 137, 159 description Hatcher Ocean of His Words 361-5 |
(Tablet for Ashraf [the Noble]) |
after separation. Arabic. Addressee is Siyyid Ashraf Zanjani, also known as Aqa Siyyid Ashraf (not to be confused with Mulla Ashraf, mentioned in Haydar-Ali Stories Delight of Hearts 113-116, or Aqa Mirza Ashraf-i-Abadi'i who was martyred in Isfahan, and concerning whom Baha'u'llah writes these words in the Epistle to the Son of the Wolf, p. 72: 'Before them one named Kazim ... and after them, his honour Ashraf, all quaffed the draught of martyrdom...' |
Majmu'ih-yi Alvah-i Mubarakih 211-219. Section trans. Gleanings LII (Majmu'ih-yi Alvah-i Mubarakih 212-4). | mention
of recipient Baha'u'llah ESW 73-4; GPB 199-200; anecdotes
of recipient Muhammad Aliy-i Salmani My Memories 71-2; discussion
of recipient Balyuzi BKoG 236, bio note 470; recipient and tablet
discussed Taherzadeh Revelation vol.2 223-232, quoted 120 brief mention Stephen Lambden "Sinaitic mysteries" in SBBR5 136-7 |
(Tablet of Glory) |
prior to separation. Arabic, with parts trans. to Persian by Baha'u'llah. Addressee is Khatun-Jan. |
Ganj-i Shayigan 40-42 (incomp.). | mention of recipient Abdu'l-Baha Memorials 200 (199 in old ed.); mention of period (though no mention of tablet) GPB 166-8, Balyuzi BKoG 230-1, and Taherzadeh Covenant 84-5; period and tablet discussed Taherzadeh Revelation vol.2 162-3, 171, 179-80 |
Suriy-i Hawdaj, Lawh-i Samsun (Tablet of the Howdah, Tablet from Samsun) |
(actually at Samsun, en route from Baghdad to Istanbul). Arabic, 1863. |
Ganj-i Shayigan 67 (incomp.); La'alyiu'l-Hikmat Vol.1 4. Translation Stephen Lambden BSB 3:4, 84-97. | definition
of howdah Momen Basic Baha'i Dictionary 111; description of context
GPB 156-7; anecdote of location and tablet Muhammad Aliy-i Salmani
My Memories 34-5; description of howdah My Memories 127, illustration
of howdah 24; discussion of context Balyuzi BKoG 175-97, illustration
177; overview of period Taherzadeh Revelation vol.1 283-92; discussed
Revelation vol.2 6-7, 16 (with summary of contents) complete annotated translation Stephen Lambden BSB 3:4 (December 1985), 84-97; brief mention Hatcher Ocean of His Words 92; discussion Buck Paradise and Paradigm 224; E. G. Browne Materials for the Study of the Babi Religion 17 (online at bahai-library.com/books) |
Lawh-i-Khalil (Tablet to Jinab-i Khalil [the friend]) |
after separation (March 1866?) Not to be confused with Lawh-i Khalil II (possibly trans. Gleanings CXXVII) or Lawh-i Khalil III (trans. Gleanings CXXXVI) Addressee is Haji Muhammad Ibrahim-i Qazvini, not to be confused (?) with the Haji Muhammad Ibrahim mentioned in Revelation vol.4 153 and footnote. |
Qalam-i A'la Vol.1 65-68 (incomplete). Phrase trans. GPB 242; page
quoted Taherzadeh Covenant 10; trans. Stephen Lambden BSB
4:1, 33-79. There are a number of other tablets addressed to Haji Muhammad Ibrahim-i Qazvini, one of which (tentatively numbered II although no date is available) appears to be trans. at Gleanings CXXVII. The Lawh-i Ibrahim may be one of these tablets (Gleanings XXXIII, XXXVIII), and Gleanings LXXVII may also be related.. |
Mention of a "tablet addressed to Haji Muhammad Ibrahim-i-Khalil," which might or might not be this one, in GPB 242; Taherzadeh Covenant 10, 127-8; discussed Taherzadeh Revelation vol.2 259-262; mention of unspecified tablets to recipient Revelation vol.4 153 footnote, 405 |
Laylatu'l- Quds (Tablet of the Sacred Night I) |
possibly earlier. Addressee Darvish Sidq-'Ali, also referred to as Gul-i Mawla, "The Master's Rose" (Muhammad Aliy-i Salmani My Memories 34) |
va chand lawh-i Digar 216-8, Majmu'ih-yi Alvah-i Mubarakih 230-1. Extracts in Gleanings CXLVII. |
biography of recipient Abdu'l-Baha Memorials 36-8; Haydar-Ali Stories Delight of Hearts 71-2; Muhammad Aliy-i Salmani My Memories 34, 58-61, 93, 96-7; mentions of recipient Balyuzi BKoG 132, 156, 178, 231, 250-2, 279, 331, bio note 482; Balyuzi Eminent Baha'is 316-7; mentioned Taherzadeh Revelation vol.1 289; Revelation vol.2 164-5, discussed 188-90, mention of recipient 329-30, 402, 409 |
Lawh-i-Napulyun I (First Tablet to Napoleon III) | Not to be confused with the much more well-known Second tablet to Napoleon III, from 1869. Edirne, after separation. | Unpublished. | mentioned
Baha'u'llah ESW 51, other (?) tablet to Napoleon also quoted in ESW
passim; mention of recipient Baha'u'llah Tablets 210; Aqdas
15, K86, 164, notes 117-8; discussion of recipient Abdu'l-Baha SAQ
32-3; discussion of France in the 1870s Secret Divine Civilization 62-3,
PUP 27-8, 203, 211, 223, 398, 432; mention of Napoleon I 67-8; GPB
173, 207-8, 225-6; mentions of tablet and recipient PDC paragraphs
39, 69-70, 83, 116, 118, 120-6, 140; Balyuzi Eminent Baha'is 208-9,
illustration 208; mentions of recipient and tablets to him Balyuzi BKoG
245, 320, 352, 392, 426; quoted Taherzadeh Covenant 22-3; discussion
of tablet Taherzadeh Revelation vol.2 368-9; mention of tablet Revelation
vol.3 109-10, mention of recipient 81, 109-15, 149, 201; mention of recipient
Revelation vol.4 95, 249, 388, 434; account of grandson of Shah converting
to the Baha'i Faith in the presence of Abdu'l-Baha in Honnold Vignettes
51-2 discussion of literary style John Hatcher Ocean of His Words 126-9; mention Stephen Lambden "Prophecy in the Johannine Farewell Discourse" in BS3 91 |
Lawh-i Nasir Qazvini (Tablet of Nasir [the defender] of Qazvini) |
to be confused with the Lawh-i Nasir Hajji, ca. 1869, which begins "He is
the Helper. I bear witness that thou hast helped thy Lord, and art one of
the helpers." Edirne, after separation. Mainly Persian. Addressee is Haji Muhammad-Nasir of Qazvin. Begins: Huwa al-Baha'i al-abha. Bi-nam-i khodavand etc (see Momen, Selections 310, 256) |
Alvah-i Mubarakih 166-202. Sections trans. Gleanings LIII (Majmu'ih-yi Alvah-i Mubarakih 170), LXXV (Majmu'ih-yi Alvah-i Mubarakih 186-8). Sentence(s?) quoted GPB 169. |
Taherzadeh Revelation vol.2 39, 245-259 complete discussion Moojan Momen, ed., Selections from the Writings of E.G. Browne 255-9 |
Lawh ar-Ruh (Tablet of the Spirit) |
at about the time of the separation (March-May 1866). Arabic. |
Athar-i Qalam-i A'la Vol.4(i) 123-154; Athar-i Qalam-i A'la Vol.4(rev) 150-200. | mentioned
GPB 171; discussed Taherzadeh Revelation vol.2 181-8 passim,
mentioned 260 brief mention Stephen Lambden "Sinaitic mysteries" in SBBR5 136 |
I (first Tablet to Salman) |
to be confused with the Lawh-i Salman II, from the early 'Akka period (Gleanings
XXI, Gleanings CXLVIII, and Gleanings CLIV, para. trans. PDC
70); the Lawh-i Salman III (date?); or the Lawh-i Madinatu't tawhid (The
City of Unity, partially trans. Gleanings XXIV), which is addressed
to the same person and is sometimes referred to as the tablet of Salman. Edirne. Mainly Persian. Addressee Shaykh Salman |
Matbu'ih 128-160. Paragraphs trans. Gleanings XXI (Majmu'ih-yi Alvah-i Mubarakih 144-5), Gleanings CXLVIII (=Majmu'ih-yi Alvah-i Mubarakih 143-4), Gleanings CLIV (Majmu'ih-yi Alvah-i Mubarakih 153-4); PDC paragraph 175. Trans. J. Cole posted on H-Bahai 3/97. The paragraph trans. at PDC 70 is also trans. by Cole Modernism 60 and see n39. Partially trans. Taherzadeh Revelation vol.1 111-3. |
of Muhammad's companion Ruz-Bih (Salman) Baha'u'llah Tablets 65;
biography of recipient Abdu'l-Baha Memorials of the Faithful 13-16,
mentions 109, 113-19 passim; mention of recipient Stories Delight of
Hearts 133; Balyuzi 'Abdul-Baha: Centre of the Covenant 96; Balyuzi
BKoG 226, 233, 237, 344-7, 441-4; illustration Balyuzi Eminent
Baha'is 231; Taherzadeh Revelation vol.1 109-13, 255-56; discussed
Revelation vol.2 283-90, mentioned 67, 168, 208, 263-4, 384, 400;
mentioned Revelation vol.3 25-6, 174-75 and footnote, quoted 89-90;
vol.4 172; Taherzadeh Covenant 87, mention of recipient 63-64, quoted
160-1 subject of a paper by Juan Cole, Second Irfan Mysticism Conference, February 1997; brief mention of tablet Cole Modernity and the Millennium 73 |
Lawh-i-Sayyah (Tablet of Sayyah [the Traveller]) |
following separation (? Feb-June 1867?) Addressee is Mulla Adi-Guzal, entitled Sayyah (Mirza 'Aliy-i-Sayyah) by the Bab. |
Shayigan 80-81 (incomp.). Sentence trans. GPB 184. |
mention of recipient Abdu'l-Baha Memorials 99; mentioned GPB 184; Muhammad Aliy-i Salmani My Memories 57; mentions of recipient Balyuzi BKoG 62-3, 243, 247-8, 269, bio note 468, illustration 242; discussed Taherzadeh Revelation vol.2 213-215, mentioned 210, quoted Revelation vol.3 13 |
Lawh-i-Siraj (Tablet for Siraj, or Sarraj) |
Edirne. Persian, a long tablet (Balyuzi BKoG says "it has the proportions of a book" (237). According to MacEoin Rituals 86 (n108) the tablet refers to several Hajj tablets. Addressee is 'Ali-Muhammad-i Siraj (Sarraj) of Isfahan. |
76 (?); Ma'iydih-i Asmani vol.7 14-97(c). Sections trans. Gleanings L (Ma'iydih-i Asmani vol.7 57-8), Gleanings XCVII (Ma'iydih-i Asmani vol.7 18). Two sentences trans. GPB 169 (etext). |
Balyuzi BKoG 237; discussed Taherzadeh Revelation vol.2 262-3,
268-9, mentioned Revelation vol.3 89 mention Stephen Lambden "Sinaitic mysteries" in SBBR5 173-4 n192; sections are mentioned in Denis MacEoin Sources for Early Babi Doctrine and History 40, 89, 106 |
Lawh-i-Sultan (Tablet to the King of Persia, [Nasiri'd-Din Shah]) |
after separation. According to a letter from Mirza Sa'id Khan to Mirza Husayn Khan, the original of this tablet was sent to the latter, so it may be in Ottoman archives. Arabic and Persian, long. 'Abdu'l-Baha says the tablet especially recommended justice for the Jews, but this is not borne out by Browne's translation. Begining and ending words see Momen Selections Browne 310. Addressed to Nasiri'd-Din Shah |
Leiden Ms Or 4970 item 7; British Museum Or. 3115 (and another in Browne's
collection, with some variant readings). Published sources: Athar-i Qalam-i A'la Vol.1 66-96; Alvah/Brazil 145-201; Rosen2 195-216 (with numerous glosses); Lawh-i Mubarak-i Sultan-i Iran (with notes by Azizullah Sulaymani), 132 BE, and repr. India, 158 pages; Mubin/Bombay 98-102(c). Another edition not sighted publ. Egypt 1940. Sections trans. PB 57-60; PDC 39-41, 44, 72; self-citations in ESW 11, 39. Full text trans. Browne in Traveller's Narrative (TN) 112ff and in the appendix beginning 390. The appendix translates the portions of the tablet which are not cited by 'Abdu'l-Baha in the version of TN which Browne had. But in the Persian (printed) edition of TN 'Abdu'l-Baha cites the whole tablet (?). Browne indicates variant readings, but the Sulaymani edition has significant phrases missing in TN. Rosen2 192 also gives Baha'u'llah's instructions to Badi', and describes the Mss (part of Ms247) in St Petersburg. These instructions and the excordium not cited in TN are produced in Browne's edition of TN 390f, with the Persian of the instructions. Browne's translation of the tablet is reprinted in Baha'i World Vol.4 p. 102-4, with some sections omitted and changes for clarity or doctrinal purposes. For example, Browne's opening "I [Baha'u'llah] am a man" becomes "I am a servant", Browne's "O King" becomes "O Shah". Browne's translation is also the basis of the translation in Baha'i Scriptures 1923 68-81. Browne's translation of the instructions is reprinted in Balyuzi King of Glory 299 and Taherzadeh Revelation vol.3 176. Part of the Arabic exordium also trans. ESW 11, 39, and PB 57f, with only minor differences in translation. Cited in PDC 42-3, POB 60. A composite of these translations with Browne's notes at bahai-library.com/provisionals. A section of Browne's translation (p. 395) is printed in Star of the West 2:6 3, with stylistic amendments only, except that Browne's 'will persecute him' becomes 'will contradict Him'. |
mentioned Baha'u'llah ESW 11, 39, 124-5; PUP 27-8, 203, 211,
223-4, 372, 398-9; discussed 'Abdu'l-Baha Star of the West 3:11 9-10
and PUP 223-4; brief mentions of tablet or recipient by Abdu'l-Baha
in Mahmud's Diary 182; Memorials 3, 50, 136, 173; SAQ
33, 85 (footnote); Secret Divine Civilization 5-6, 11-2, 105; Shoghi
Effendi GPB 26, 173-4, 186, 143-44, 173-4, 185-6; mentions of recipient
GPB 197-8, 225, 232, 296; mentions of tablet and recipient PDC
paragraphs 97-102, 110, 164, 182, 210, 215 and elsewhere, passim; mention
of death of Shah Aqdas n177; Balyuzi Eminent Baha'is passim;
Balyuzi BKoG 20, 147, 247, 298, 309-10; other mentions and illustrations
of recipient Balyuzi BKoG passim; discussed Taherzadeh Revelation
vol.2 337-40, 346-57, mention of recipient 246, 304, 326; mentioned Revelation
vol.3 21, 38, 109, 133, 182-191, 199-200, 209-10, quoted 232; many mentions
of subject Revelation vol.4 passim discussion in E. G. Browne, A Traveller's Narrative 102-8, 151, with annotated partial translation 390-400 (online at bahai-library.com/books/); discussion Browne,The Babis of Persia, their Literature and Doctrines, JRAS XXI 958-60 (online at bahai-library.com/articles); mention Stephen Lambden "Prophecy in the Johannine Farewell Discourse" in BS3 91; discussion of literary style John Hatcher Ocean of His Words 126-8; discussion of political teachings in tablet Juan Cole Modernity and the Millennium 32-4, 76; mentioned Denis MacEoin "Babism to Baha'ism" 225-6 discussion Moojan Momen, ed., Selections from the Writings of E.G. Browne 260-6 |
Mathnaviy-i- Mubarak, Mathnavi | Istanbul. Persian, 300 couplets. Not to be confused with the abbreviated title "Mathnavi" both used in non-Baha'i books and often quoted by the Central Figures, which usually refers to Rumi's Mathnavi |
Qalam-i A'la Vol.3 160-192; Ma'iydih-i Asmani vol.4; INBA30. Partial trans. Moojan Khadem presented Irfan Colloquium August 1997. |
in unpublished portion of Nabil's history (Dawnbreakers)--see Balyuzi
BKoG 265-6; anecdote of Baha'u'llah quoting Rumi's Mathnavi
Furutan Stories of Baha'u'llah 34; mentioned Taherzadeh Covenant
219; discussed Taherzadeh Revelation vol.2 29-54 passim Mosaic symbolism of tablet Stephen Lambden "Sinaitic Mysteries" in SBBR5 127-8 |
Ya-Hu (lit. "Praised be Thou, O He!") also known as the Lawh-i Naqus (Tablet of the Bell), |
18 Oct 1863. Arabic. Composed in a style that lends itself to collective chanting. MacEoin Rituals 64 and Faizi Stories 43 say this is intended for the anniversary of the declaration of the Bab. Addressee is Aqa Muhammad-'Aliy-i Tambaku-Furush-i Isfahani; see Kitab-i Badi. |
Ayam Tis'ih 100-106; Ad'iyyih-i H.Mahbub 141-53; various mss. Trans. MacEoin Rituals 169-172, online at bahai-library.com/provisionals; section trans. BW vol14 632; unpublished trans. 'Ali Kuli Khan and Gail; a provisional trans. Stephen Lambden was posted on H-Bahai in September 1998 (forthcoming with commentary, BSB). |
story of chanting tablet Mirza Haydar-Ali Stories Delight of Hearts 43 (on this, see also R. Jackson Armstrong-Ingram, Music, Devotions, and the Mashriqu'l-Adhkar 4-5); brief mention Balyuzi BKoG 206; mention of recipient Balyuzi BKoG 245 footnote; discussed Taherzadeh Revelation vol.2 18-24 passim, 441 |
Suriy-i-Ashab (Surih of the Companions, Surih of the Servants) |
before separation (Cole: about Winter 1866; Lambden: circa 1864). Arabic. Principal addressee is 'Habib': early editions of Taherzadeh Revelation vol.1 identified recipient as Mirza Habib-i Maraghi'i (286), but for current editions and in Revelation vol.2 this is corrected. Actual addressee is Mirza Aqay-i-Kashani, also known as Mirza Aqay-i Munir and Jinab-i-Munir, surnamed Ismu'llahu'l-Munib or simply "Munib." Many other Persian Babis are addressed. |
Qalam-i A'la Vol.1 149-154; Athar-i Qalam-i A'la Vol.4(i) 1-22; Athar-i
Qalam-i A'la Vol.4(rev) 205-239. Short passage trans. WOB 108-9; introduction and trans. Juan Cole BSB 5:3-6:1, 4-74, short passage posted Talisman 1/97; |
Abdu'l-Baha Memorials 145-7, mention 123; mentioned GPB 169,
182; mention of recipient (referred to as "Munir") and tablet Haydar-Ali
Stories Delight of Hearts 13-4; mention of Munir Balyuzi BKoG
33 footnote, 157, 176-8, 204, 264-5, bio note 479; discussion of recipient
and tablet Taherzadeh Revelation vol.1 283-7; discussed Revelation
vol.1 283-7; Revelation vol.2 59, 65-106 passim, esp. 72-7, 84-7,
114; Revelation vol.3 425 complete annotated translation Juan Cole "Bahah'u'llah's 'Surah of the Companions'" in BSB 5:3-6:1 (June 1991) 4-74; brief mention Stephen Lambden "Sinaitic mysteries" in SBBR5 135-6 |
Surat ad-damm (Tablet of Blood) |
to be confused with other tablets to Nabil-i-A'zam, such as that in Gleanings
CXXXIX. Edirne, before separation (late 1865, early 1866). Arabic. Addressee Nabil-i A'zam of Zarand (Nabil-i Zarandi, Mulla Muhammad-i Zarandi, author of Dawnbreakers). |
Qalam-i A'la Vol.4(i) 59-67; Athar-i Qalam-i A'la Vol.4(rev) 1-15. Sections trans. Gleanings XXXIX (Athar-i Qalam-i A'la Vol.4(i) 64-5); trans. and literary analysis of passages by Juan Cole publ. Poetics Today; trans. Cole with commentary posted Talisman Jan 96 and at Cole's web page; sentence trans. WOB 139. |
of recipient Baha'u'llah Tablets 73; biography of recipient Abdu'l-Baha
Memorials 32-6; mentioned GPB 169, mention of recipient GPB
130, 176; brief bio of recipient Unfolding Destiny 406, 427; mentions
of recipient Muhammad Aliy-i Salmani My Memories 37-8, 57, 85; illustration
Balyuzi Eminent Baha'is 262, bio note 268-70, and passim; numerous
mentions of recipient Balyuzi BKoG passim; many mentions of recipient
Taherzadeh Revelation vol.1 passim, esp. bio notes 202-6; discussed
Revelation vol.2 236-240, mentions of recipient 59, 114, 140, 166,
276; mention of other tablets to recipient Revelation vol.3 7, 26-7,
mention of recipient 5-10, 56-7, 60, 74, 176-7, 209, 240, 254-5, 419; many
mentions of subject Revelation vol.4 passim brief mention Stephen Lambden "Sinaitic mysteries" in SBBR5 136 |
Suriy-i-Ghusn (Tablet of the Branch) |
after separation. Arabic. Addressee is Mirza 'Ali-Riday-i Mustawfi (Ali Kuli Khan has: Mirza Ali Riza). WOB 135-6 (1980 edn) mentions and translates extracts from at least 5 other tablets and prayers of Baha'u'llah for 'Abdu'l-Baha. Of these, the tablet written while 'Abdu'l-Baha was in Beirut is the Lawh-i Ard-i Ba. GPB 242 mentions another tablet written in Edirne regarding 'Abdu'l-Baha, but addressed to Haji Muhammad Ibrahim-i Khalil. |
Qalam-i A'la Vol.4(i) 331-335; Athar-i Qalam-i A'la Vol.4(rev) 424-430;
Ma'iydih-i Asmani vol.4 115-119. Extracts trans. WOB 134-135; phrases trans. GPB 177, 242. A 1918 trans. Ali Kuli Khan is published in Three Tablets of Baha'u'llah (Collins 1.139) and in Baha'i World Faith 204-7 (the latter without Khan's explanations). Said to have been poorly trans. to English (Light of Divine Guidance vol.1, pages 65-66), which may refer to the anonymous translation of 190? (Collins 1.127). |
Momen Basic Baha'i Dictionary 2, 218; mention of the "Most Great
Branch" Baha'u'llah Tablets 221-2, 227; some verses explained by
'Abdu'l-Baha in tablet to Haji Mirza Haydar-'Ali, part of which is trans.
WOB 238; PUP 323, mentioned GPB 177, 242; Messages
from the UHJ 1963-86 para. 330.2; definition of "aghsan" and "ghusn"
Aqdas n66; Balyuzi Abdu'l-Baha 22-3, 220, 270; Balyuzi BKoG
250, mention of "ghusn" 420; discussed Eminent Baha'is 52-3; Taherzadeh
Covenant 104, 136, 219, 267, 430; discussed Taherzadeh Revelation
vol.2 388-96 full discussion of the meaning of the Baha'i covenant, with coverage of this tablet, in Moojan Momen "The Covenant," online at bahai-library.com/encyclopedia/covenant.html; coverage of a variety of covenantal issues in Heller "Covenant and the Foundations of Civil Society," in BW 1995-96, 185-222; brief discussion of covenantal symbolism in Lambden "Sinaitic Mysteries..." in SBBR5 122; discussion of the style of Writings on the Covenant, including this tablet, in Hatcher Ocean of His Words 153-64 |
Lawh-i Hajj I and II (Tablets of Pilgrimage) |
Hajj I refers to pilgrimage to Shiraz; Suriy-i-Hajj II refers to pilgrimage
to Baghdad. Both tablets revealed in Edirne, the first before the Most Great Separation (see GPB 169) and the second after. |
Hajj I: Athar-i Qalam-i A'la Vol.4(i) 75-100; Amr va Khalq 4 120-134 part; Ganj-i Shayigan 82-3 part. Section trans. MacEoin Rituals 154-163. Suriy-i Hajj II: Gleanings LVII; Athar-i Qalam-i A'la Vol.4(i) 192-215; Amr va Khalq 4 109-120; Ganj-i Shayigan 83-4 part. Section trans. MacEoin Rituals 163-168; Rituals 86 (n116) notes textual variants between Athar-i Qalam-i A'la Vol.4 204f and Amr va Khalq 4, without specifying. |
tablets mentioned in GPB 176-7; mentioned Balyuzi BKoG 250;
discussed Taherzadeh Revelation vol.2 240 described Denis MacEoin Rituals in Babism and Baha'ism 52-3, sections translated ibid. 154-68; discussion of tablets and pilgrimage in the Baha'i Faith Walbridge Sacred Acts 105-119 |
'Ibad (Tablet of the Servants) |
to be confused with a later "Lawh-i-Siyyid Mihdiy-i-Dahaji" (see Revelation
vol.4 236-7); Siyyih Mihdiy-i Dahaji received many tablets from Baha'u'llah. early Edirne, circa 1864. Addressee is Siyyid Mihdiy-i Dahaji. |
23-34. Partial translation in Gleanings XXXI (AQ4 24-25). |
of recipient Muhammad Aliy-i Salmani My Memories 76 and footnote;
Balyuzi BKoG 33 (footnote), 132, 158, 242-3, 247, 344, 348; discussed
Taherzadeh Revelation vol.2 272-5, mention of recipient 118-9, 290;
mention of recipient Revelation vol.3 209, 226-7, 234; mention of
recipient Revelation vol.4 236-7, 287 footnote brief mention Stephen Lambden "Sinaitic Mysteries" in SBBR5 130; mention of recipient Juan Cole Modernity and the Millennium 94 |
Surat al-Muluk (Tablet to the Kings, Surih of the Kings) |
after separation (late 1867). Arabic. Sections are addressed to the Kings collectively PDC 20-24, Gleanings CXVI (same as PDC 23-24), CXVIII (same as PDC 21-22 except that the phrase "that the burden of your expenditures may be lightened" is omitted on PDC 21); to Sultan 'Abdu'l-'Aziz Gleanings CXIV (GPB 159; 161; PB 5-14); to his ministers Gleanings LXV (GPB 172); to the people of Istanbul Gleanings LXVI (GPB 173); to the divines and philosophers of Istanbul (PB 102-3; GPB 172-3); to the French ambassador (GPB 172); to the Persian Ambassador Haji Mirza Husayn Khan (surnamed Mushiru'd-Dawlih); Gleanings CXIII (GPB 172-3); to the Kings of Christendom (PDC 26-27); to the people of Persia (GPB 173); to the philosophers of the world (GPB 173). |
3-70; partially in Rosen2 p. 147-8; INBA34 Alvah-i Nazilih (Tehran: MMMA,
1968); Athar-i Qalam-i A'la vol.1; Alvah/Bombay. Sections trans. Gleanings LXV, LXVI, CXIII, CXIV, CXVI (same as PDC 23-24), CXVIII (mostly the same as PDC 21-22), PB 5-14, and PDC 20-24. |
of Mushiru'd-Dawlih by Baha'u'llah ESW 68-70; definition/bio notes
Momen Basic Baha'i Dictionary 2, 217; mentions of and addresses to
Kings Aqdas 78-84, 163; brief mention of recipient Mirza Husayn Khan
by Abdu'l-Baha in Mahmud's Diary 167, bio note 443; mention of tablet
and/or recipient(s) GPB 159, 161, 171-5, 179, 190, 207, 225, 227-8,
316; PDC paragraphs 24-5, 39-50, 86-96, 119, 149-62 passim, 170,
173-7, 195, 224; mention of tablet and Abdu'l-Aziz World Order 173-4,
176; Turkey in Baha'i history Baha'i Administration 151-2, 167-9;
Messages from the UHJ 1963-86 paras. 14.5, 20.10, 24.15-16, 41, 45.1,
128.8; tablet quoted Balyuzi BKoG 207-11, discussed 212-3; mentions
of recipient Abdu'l-Aziz BKoG 139, 199, 206-7, 245, 253-4, 261-3,
283-5, 307, 337, 352, 359-61, 379, 412, 425-6; mentions of recipient Mirza
Husayn Khan BKoG 137, 154, 191, 199, 203, 212-4 (quotes from ESW
and another tablet to Husayn Khan), 248, 257, 286-7, 300, 441-8, 446, bio
note 472-3, and briefly elsewhere passim; mentions of Mirza Husayn Khan
Balyuzi Abdu'l-Baha 18; mentions of Abdu'l-Aziz 18-22, 34, 319; mentions
of recipient Abdu'l-Aziz Balyuzi Eminent Baha'is 183, 208; mention
of Mirza Husayn Khan Eminent Baha'is 240; mentions of Abdu'l-Aziz
Taherzadeh The Covenant 86, 94; discussion of tablet and recipients
Taherzadeh Revelation vol.2 301-36 passim, mentioned 1, 55-9, 61-2,
278, 301, 320-1, 325-8, 332, 337, 370-1, 398-401, 418; mentioned Revelation
vol.3 109, 147, 238, 242, 251, quoted 156; mentions of Abdu'l-Aziz Revelation
vol.3 14, 18-9, 37-8, 52, 69, 87, 91, 99-102, 123, 151-4, 191, 252, 410,
413-9, mentions of Mirza Husayn Khan 218-9; mentions of Abdu'l-Aziz Revelation
vol.4 27, 95, 104-5, 240-2, 421, mentions of Mirza Husayn Khan 434 political teachings contained in tablet in John Esslemont, Baha'u'llah and the New Era, 31, 135-6, 235, 246discussion of literary style John Hatcher Ocean of His Words 126-8, 131; social teachings in tablet Juan Cole "Baha'u'llah and Liberation Theology" in SBBR8 88-9; Mosaic symbolism Stephen Lambden "Sinaitic Mysteries" in SBBR5 137; discussion of Baha'u'llah's social and political teachings in tablet Cole Modernity and the Millennium 32, 53-6, 89, 125-9; prophecies contained in tablet Gary Matthews Challenge of Baha'u'llah 58-9, 155; complete discussion Moojan Momen, ed., Selections from the Writings of E.G. Browne 260-4 (as Rosen's "tablet to the Shah of Persia"; see note to p.264) |
I, Surat-ar-Rais I, Lawh-i Ra'is I (Tablet of the Premier, Tablet to Ottoman first minister Mehmet Emin 'Ali Pasha) |
to be confused with either the later Lawh-i-Ra'is (see note below) or the
tablet to Dhabih included in Baha'u'llah Gleanings CXV. Edirne period (Rabi'u'th-Thani 1285/August 1868, at Kashanih en route to Gallipoli). Arabic. The formal addressee is 'Ali Pasha, but it was revealed for Dhabih (full name Haji Muhammad-Isma'il-i Dhabih of Kashan, known as Anis, the Friend). Recipient not to be confused with Siyyid Isma'il of Zavarih, who was also surnamed Dhabih (see Revelation vol.1 101-3). Opening and closing words are given in Momen Selections Browne 311-2. |
Majmu'ih-yi Alvah-i Mubarakih 87-102; Rosen2 224-231. Substantial parts are trans. Momen Selections Browne 266-9, and Browne's translation is used as a basis for a more complete trans. in Baha'i Scriptures 88-94, which however omits the last part of the tablet dealing with the nature and progress of the soul (Revelation vol.2 417). This part of the tablet is apparently untrans. Gleanings LXXXII, might be worth investigating in this regard, but note the reference in that passage to the large number of tablets covering these subjects. Sentences from the first part, covered in Baha'i Scriptures, are also trans. PDC 60, 72-3; GPB 172, 177-8 (twice); WOB 94-5; 164. The passages in GPB 172 indicate familiarity with both previous translations but sometimes differ from both. Part of this tablet is trans. PUP 398-399, where it is called the "Epistle to the Sultan of Turkey." In a number of instances the passages trans. Shoghi Effendi (above) agree with PUP where it differs from the Baha'i Scriptures version. A passage concerning the officer 'Umar cited in GPB 171 and said to be from this tablet is in fact from the Lawh-i Ra'is III. | definition/bio
notes Momen Basic Baha'i Dictionary 15; mention of recipient Baha'u'llah
Tablets 210; mention of tablet Baha'u'llah Gleanings 39 (same
tablet?); mentions of tablet to Sultan of Turkey (same tablet?) PUP
27-8, 203, 224, 372, 398-9, 432; described GPB 174, 180-1, 187; mention
of Ali Pasha PDC paragraphs 158, 163; mentions of Ali Pasha Balyuzi
BKoG 13, 154, 206-7, 262, 458, 471, bio note 469; mentions of Dhabih
Balyuzi BKoG 132, 157, 253, 260-1, 264; mention of Ali Pasha Taherzadeh
Revelation vol.1 225, 227, 244; discussed Revelation vol.2
411-7, mention of Ali Pasha 55, 57, 312, 398, 401; mention of Ali Pasha
Revelation vol.3 34, 36, 91, 99 footnote, 100 footnote, 109, 419,
quoted 151; mentioned Revelation vol.4 34 and footnote, 87 E. G. Browne, Materials for the Study of the Babi Religion 29-31 (online at bahai-library.com/books); discussion Moojan Momen, ed., Selections from the Writings of E.G. Browne 266-9; Juan Cole Modernity and the Millennium 57-75; prophecies contained in tablet Gary Matthews Challenge of Baha'u'llah 58-9 (Note: Rev. of Baha'u'llah vol.3 34 footnote, writes that "Shoghi Effendi generally referred to [the two tablets to Ali Pasha] in this order [as "Suriy-i-Ra'is and Lawh-i-Ra'is"], although occasionally he used the designation Surih for Lawh and vice versa"; hence, some of the sources listed here might actually refer to the later tablet.) Taherzadeh, in Revelation vol.3 99n, adds: "The[re] were the Lawh-i-Ra'is and the Lawh-i-Fu'ad addressed to 'Ali Pasha and Fu'ad Pasha respectively and not to the Sultan, although references are made to the Sultan in these tablets" |
Name of Tablet | Add'l info from the Leiden List | Primary Sources | Secondary
sources: first key texts, then supplementary texts |
Asl-i -Kullu'l -Khayr (Words of Wisdom) | MaA 92-94; INBA30. | Translation in Tablets of Baha'u'llah 153-158. | passing comments on literary style in John S. Hatcher The Ocean of His Words 121-24 and elsewhere |
Excerpts from other Tablets | (Section 17, Tablets of Baha'u'llah Revealed after the Kitab-i-Aqdas) | see a List of recipients and dates of Section 17 , "Excerpts from other Tablets." | |
Ishraqat (Splendours) | Dated 9 Dhi Qa'dih 1302/21 August 1885(?). MaA 57-79. IQT 50-85. Earliest transcription in the International Archives is dated 12 Izzat 44 B.E. (1888), by Zaynu'l-Muqarrabin. | Translation in Tablets of Baha'u'llah 99-134. | definition
in Basic Baha'i Dictionary 122; some information from the Universal
House of Justice regarding the history of this Tablet can be found at bahai-library.com/
uhj/ishraqat.html; Rev. of Baha'u'llah vol.4 16, 116, 146-60, 162;
Baha'u'llah: King of Glory 382; Eminent Baha'is 62; Covenant
of Baha'u'llah 166, 215, 402. brief discussion Juan Cole Modernity and the Millennium 35, 95, 158; passing comments on literary style in John S. Hatcher The Ocean of His Words 71, 122-24 |
Kalimat-i- Firdawsiyyih (Words of Paradise) | MaA 30-45. | Translation in Tablets of Baha'u'llah 55-80. | definition
in Basic Baha'i Dictionary 126; Rev. of Baha'u'llah vol.4
175-76, 196, 214-26, 374; Baha'u'llah: King of Glory 382; Covenant
of Baha'u'llah 396, 402. passing comments on literary style in John S. Hatcher The Ocean of His Words 79-80, 122-24; discussion of Tablet's prophecy in Gary Matthews Challenge of Baha'u'llah 86-87. The many mentions of, quotations from the memoirs of, and brief biographies of Haji Mirza Haydar Ali, in whose honor this Tablet was revealed, include a detailed chapter in Eminent Baha'is in the Time of Baha'u'llah, 237-250; Revelation of Baha'u'llah vol.1 28-29, vol.2 68-73, 184-202, 438-50, vol.3 99-104, 182-184, 218-19, 248-49, 335-36, 397-98, 401-02, vol.4 270-73, 325-26; Covenant of Baha'u'llah 75-77, 86-87, 91-92, 137-38, 170-76, and passing mentions in Baha'u'llah: King of Glory and 'Abdu'l-Baha: The Centre of the Covenant of Baha'u'llah. Haydar-Ali's book of memoirs has also been published, as Stories from the Delight of Hearts. |
Kitab-i -'Ahd (The Book of the Covenant), the "Most Great Tablet," the "Crimson Book," the "Will and Testament of Baha'u'llah," the "Book of Baha'u'llah's Covenant," the "Epistle of the Covenant"; also Kitab-i -'Ahdi (The Book of My Covenant) | Dating prob. prior to Epistle to the Son of the Wolf, since it is referred to there as the Crimson Book. Printed in AHM (reviewed by Abdu'l-Baha before printing) where the title is "Kitabu Ahdi" / Book of My Covenant; MaA 134-137. | Translation in Tablets of Baha'u'llah 217-224; | definition
in Basic Baha'i Dictionary 132; date in A Basic Baha'i Chronology
120; definition of "Crimson Book" in Lights of Guidance (3rd ed.)
181; Some Answered Questions 60;
Tablets of the Divine Plan 51-52;
Promulgation of Universal Peace 323,
and elsewhere, passim; God Passes By 236-40;
World Order of Baha'u'llah 133-34,
Directives from the Guardian sec. 46
(p. 17); Rev. of Baha'u'llah vol.1 37, 80, 134, 137; vol.2 389;
vol.3 81, 371; vol.4 419-20, 434; Baha'u'llah: King of Glory 420,
422-23, 425; Covenant of Baha'u'llah 99, 130-33, 142-44, 146, 149-50,
155-56, 158, 161-62, 164, 166-67, 175-76, 199-200, 218-19, 267, 276, 378,
381, 408-09; 'Abdul-Baha: Centre of the Covenant 50. full discussion of the meaning of the Baha'i covenant, with coverage of this Tablet, in Moojan Momen "The Covenant," available online at bahai-library.com/ encyclopedia/covenant.html; coverage of a variety of covenantal issues, including "the concept of covenant," in Wendy M. Helley "Covenant and the Foundations of Civil Society," in Baha'i World 1995-96, 185-222; mentions of this Tablet in Stories from the Delight of Hearts 121, 127; discussion in Eunice Braun The March of the Institutions 30 and passim; study (in Persian) by Shapour Rasekh in "Mahbub-i-'Alam" 534-49; brief discussion of covenantal symbolism in Stephen Lambden "Sinaitic Mysteries..." in Studies in Honour of...H.M. Balyuzi (SBBR vol.5) 122; David S. Ruhe Door of Hope... 58, 113-14; discussion of the style of Writings on the Covenant, including this Tablet, in John S. Hatcher The Ocean of His Words 153-64; passing mentions in ibid. 79, 123. |
Lawh-i -Aqdas (The Most Holy Tablet, Tablet to the Christians, first Tablet to Faris the Physician) | MaA 3-9; AQA1 138-144; Alwah-i Baha'u'llah... sura-yi haykal 163-172; St. Petersb. Ms see Rosen2 Ms246. | Translation in Tablets of Baha'u'llah 7-17, Baha'i Studies Bulletin June 1993, for earlier trans. see Sours book A Study of Baha'u'llah's Tablet to the Christians, 7. French trans. by Dreyfus and Chirazi 1905 bound with 'Les paroles cachees'; French transl. by Dreyfus Oeuvre1. | Promised
Day is Come 165-68 (related quotations); Rev. of Baha'u'llah
vol.3 6, 11; vol.4 277-35, 352-53. The most lengthy examination of this Tablet is Michael Sours' 212-page book A Study of Baha'u'llah's Tablet to the Christians. See also Jack McLean's review of this book in Journal of Baha'i Studies 2:3 87-89; mention in Christopher Buck "Baha'u'llah and Cross-Cultural Messianism" in In Iran (SBBR vol.3) 164-65; on Christianity in the Writings of Baha'u'llah (though with few mentions of this particular Tablet), see also Jack McLean "The Deification of Jesus" in World Order 14:3-4 (1989) 23-45, William S. Hatcher "Baha'u'llah to the Christians" in World Order 1:2 (1966) 25-33, Juan Cole "Behold the Man: Baha'u'llah on the Life of Jesus" in Journal of the American Academy of Religion LXV/1 47-71, available online at www-personal.umich.edu /~jrcole/bahai/bhjesu.htm, and Cole "The Christian-Muslim Encounter and the Baha'i Faith" in World Order Winter 1977-78 14-28. |
Lawh-i -Ard-i -Ba (Tablet of the Land of Ba [Beirut]) | (place of publication in original language not listed) | Translation in Tablets of Baha'u'llah 225-229. | Rev. of Baha'u'llah vol.4 240-41; Baha'u'llah: King of Glory 378-79. |
Lawh-i -Bisharat (Tablet of Glad- Tidings) | MaA 10-15; INBA30; MaM 116-24. | Translation in Tablets of Baha'u'llah 19-30. | definition
in Basic Baha'i Dictionary 44-45; Rev. of Baha'u'llah vol.4
116, 158, 161-68; Baha'u'llah: King of Glory 382; Covenant of
Baha'u'llah 396. discussion of Tablet in Juan Cole Modernity and the Millennium 73-74, 76, 158; comments on translation history David Hofman George Townshend 208-09; passing comments on literary style in John S. Hatcher The Ocean of His Words 79, 106, 122-24. |
Lawh-i -Burhan (Tablet of the Proof, Tablet of Reasoning) | MaA 125-133. | 1879 — revealed "soon after the martyrdom of the King and Beloved of Martyrs," (Taherzadeh, Rev. of Baha'u'llah vol. 4 91) which was 03/17/1879. Translated Tablets of Baha'u'llah 203-216. | Promised
Day is Come 145, 159 [p. 88,
God Passes By 219,
Rev. of Baha'u'llah vol.4 91-102, 425, 435; Baha'u'llah: King
of Glory 382. David S. Ruhe Door of Hope 91; discussion of style in John S. Hatcher The Ocean of His Words 132-33. |
Lawh-i -Dunya (Tablet of the World) | Addressee Mirza Aqay-i-Afnan, known as Nur'u'd-Din. MaA 46-56; MaM 285-301; DiD 84-100. | Partially trans. in Gleanings XLIII, Tablets of Baha'u'llah 81-98. | Rev.
of Baha'u'llah vol.3 85; vol.4 288, 329-48, 401, 429; Baha'u'llah:
King of Glory 382, 389, 410, 454. The Tablet's relevance to agriculture is mentioned in Moojan Momen "Learning from History" in Journal of Baha'i Studies 2:2 60-61; discussion Juan Cole Modernity and the Millennium 35, 100-01; passing comments on literary style in John S. Hatcher The Ocean of His Words 71, 123-24: some opinions on Baha'u'llah's teachings on politics in this Tablet in Juan Cole "Iranian Millenarianism and Democratic Thought in the 19th Century" in International Journal of Middle East Studies 24 (1992) 16-19, also available online at www-personal.umich.edu /~jrcole/bhconst.htm. |
Lawh-i -Hikmat (Tablet of Wisdom) | INBA30. | 1873-74. Translation in Tablets of Baha'u'llah 135-152. French trans. by Dreyfus and Chirazi bound with Les paroles cachees. | date
in Rev. of Baha'u'llah vol.4 33; mention in A Basic Baha'i Chronology
125; Rev. of Baha'u'llah vol.4 33-49, 192, 373; Baha'u'llah: King
of Glory 382; history of subject in Memorials of the Faithful
1-5 and Eminent Baha'is 112-15. full definition in article by Juan Cole "Lawh-i Hikmat (The Tablet of Wisdom)" available online at bahai-library.com/ encyclopedia/wisdom.html; Robert Stockman discusses the nature of revelation as described in this Tablet in "Revelation, Interpretation, and Elucidation in the Baha'i Writings" in Scripture and Revelation (Baha'i Studies vol.3) 58-61; discussion of Tablet's literary style and thematic structure in John S. Hatcher The Ocean of His Words 117-120, 234-47; passing mentions in ibid. 24, 125 and elsewhere, passim; though only indirectly about this Tablet, Susan Maneck's "Wisdom and Dissimulation: the use and meaning of hikmat in Baha'i writings and history" in Baha'i Studies Review 6 (1996) 11-23, also available online at bahai-library.com/ articles/hikmat.html, ruminates on the exercise of hikmat (wisdom) in the Baha'i community; brief discussion of some theological issues regarding creation in Juan Cole "The Concept of Manifestation in the Baha'i Writings," Baha'i Studies monograph #9, pages 8-9, also available online at www-personal.umich.edu/~jrcole/bhmanif.htm; detailed discussion of Baha'u'llah's teachings on early Greek and Hebrew history in Juan Cole "Problems of Chronology in Baha'u'llah's Tablet of Wisdom" in World Order 13:3 (1979) 24-39, also available online at h-net2.msu.edu/~bahai /diglib/articles/A-E/cole/chrono/chrono.htm. |
Lawh-i -Ibn-i -Dhib (Epistle to the Son of the Wolf) | Published by Bahai-Verlag | trans. as Epistle to the Son of the Wolf, Shoghi Effendi 1941. | definition
in Basic Baha'i Dictionary 78; mentions in ibid. 164, 213; date in
A Basic Baha'i Chronology 120, 121 (dg16, 164); God Passes By
Promised Day is Come 117, 141 (pages 72-77);
Directives from the Guardian sec. 46
(p. 17); excerpt from Lights of Guidance #1586; Rev. of Baha'u'llah
vol.2 206; vol.3 390; vol.4 368-412, 432-40; Baha'u'llah: King of Glory
213-14, 382-88, 391-92; Covenant of Baha'u'llah 73, 79, 142, 162,
309; Eminent Baha'is 45-47, 147. Unpubublished study guide by Michael Sours, "The World Reformer is Come: A Study Guide to Baha'u'llah's Epistle to Shaykh Muhammad-Taqi, the Son of the 'Wolf'," 85 pages; passing observations in Michael Sours, The Station and Claims of Baha'u'llah, chapter 8 (pages 67-87) and notes; various meditations in Marzieh Gail, "Baha'u'llah's Epistle to the Son of the Wolf," in Dawn Over Mt. Hira 176-83; analysis of symbolism in Stephen Lambden "Sinaitic Mysteries..." in Studies in Honour of...H.M. Balyuzi (SBBR vol.5) 148-49, 153-55; mentions of Tablet in David S. Ruhe Door of Hope 81, 91, 108, 213; some Islamic symbols in Tablet in ibid. 125-26; literary analysis in "Narrative Perspective in Epistle to the Son of the Wolf" in John S. Hatcher The Ocean of His Words 41-45, 151-52; passing mentions in ibid. 79-80, 86, 147-48 |
Lawh-i -Ittihad (Tablet of Unity) | AHM 388-406. | Gleanings CXI. Draft prov. trans. by Shahrokh Monjazeb at 1985 ABS meeting in San Francisco | Rev. of Baha'u'llah vol.4 191-96. |
Lawh-i -Karmil (Tablet of Carmel) | MaA 1-2. | Translated in Gleanings XI, Tablets of Baha'u'llah 1-6. | definition
in Basic Baha'i Dictionary 218-19; date in A Basic Baha'i Chronology
122; God Passes By 194,
Messages to the Baha'i World 63;
Mt. Carmel extolled in Citadel of Faith 95-97;
Rev. of Baha'u'llah vol.4 351-67, 423; Baha'u'llah: King of Glory
375-77; Covenant of Baha'u'llah 324, 326, 401. brief comments about Tablet by Shoghi Effendi in Ruhiyyih Rabbani The Guardian of the Baha'i Faith 112, 231; definition of "Carmel" in Michael Sours, A Study of Baha'u'llah's Tablet to the Christians, 37 note 29; discussion of Tablet's gender polarity in Paula Drewek "Feminine Forms of the Divine in Baha'i Scripture" in Journal of Baha'i Studies 5:1 18-19; John Walbridge describes at length the meaning of Mount Carmel for the Baha'i Faith in Sacred Acts... (Baha'i Studies vol.1) 144-49; Ramona Brown Memories of 'Abdu'l-Baha 115 includes a brief pilgrim's note from the Guardian about Mt. Carmel and the Tablet; Ruhiyyih Rabbani frequently mentions the Guardian's development of the site in The Priceless Pearl and The Guardian of the Baha'i Faith, passim; detailed description of Mt. Carmel and mentions of Tablet in Ugo Giachery Shoghi Effendi 53-67 (passim), 170-74, 209-18; David S. Ruhe Door of Hope 71-72, 126-27, 133-45, 152-56, 162-63, 166-87, and elsewhere, passim; John S. Hatcher The Ocean of His Words 150, 224-25; discussion of Baha'u'llah's prophecy re pitching His tent on mountain in Gary Matthews Challenge of Baha'u'llah 73-76. |
Lawh-i -Maqsud (Tablet of Maqsud, Tablet of the Goal / The Desired One) | Dated Jan. 20 1882 (UHJ) or Dec. 31 1881 (Cole). MaA 95-111; Lawh-i Maqsud, Egypt, 1920, 33 pages; Rosen2 Ms249. Persian. | Translated in Gleanings CX, CXII, CXVII, CXXII; Tablets of Baha'u'llah 159-178. | Rev.
of Baha'u'llah vol.4 235-36. discussion Juan Cole Modernity and the Millennium 131-33, 135, 158; passing comments on literary style in John S. Hatcher The Ocean of His Words 71, 123-24. |
Suriy-i -Vafa (Tablet of Fidelity), also "Lawh-i -Vafa" | MaA 112-119; AQA4(i) 350-358; AQA4(rev) 418-423. | Translated in Gleanings LXXIX, Tablets of Baha'u'llah 179-192. | Rev.
of Baha'u'llah vol.4 205-13. detailed discussion of literary style of this Tablet in John S. Hatcher The Ocean of His Words 114-16, 125-26. |
Tablet to The Times | (place of publication in original language not listed) | Partial translation in Rev. of Baha'u'llah vol.4 350, reprinted in Baha'i World XVIII 977. | date
in A Basic Baha'i Chronology 121; Rev. of Baha'u'llah vol.4
348-50; Discussion in Baha'i World XVIII (vol.18), 976-77. |
Tajalliyat (Effulgences) | MaA 25-29. | Translation in Tablets of Baha'u'llah 45-54. Image of one page of the Tablet in "Revelation Writing" in Revelation of Baha'u'llah vol. 1, 110 | definition
in Basic Baha'i Dictionary 221; Rev. of Baha'u'llah vol.4
117, 118-44, 168; Baha'u'llah: King of Glory 382, 414; Eminent
Baha'is 62. discussion of symbolism in Stephen Lambden, "Sinaitic Mysteries...," in Studies in Honour of...H.M. Balyuzi (SBBR vol.5) 150-51; passing comments on literary style in John S. Hatcher The Ocean of His Words 79, 123-24; brief discussion of some theological issues in Juan Cole "The Concept of Manifestation in the Baha'i Writings" Baha'i Studies monograph #9, 8-9, also available online at www-personal.umich.edu/~jrcole/bhmanif.htm; discussion of the meaning of "tajalli" in ibid., passim. |
Tarazat (Ornaments) | Dhi'l-Hajjih 1305 (appr. 1888). MaA 16-24. | Translation in Tablets of Baha'u'llah 31-45. | definition
in Basic Baha'i Dictionary 221; Rev. of Baha'u'llah vol.4
16, 18, 117; Baha'u'llah: King of Glory 382; Eminent Baha'is
62. John Walbridge summarizes this Tablet in Sacred Acts... (Baha'i Studies vol.1) 252-54; passing comments on literary style in John S. Hatcher The Ocean of His Words 79, 123-24. |
Aqdas |
= |
Baha'u'llah, The Kitab-i-Aqdas |
BKoG |
= |
Hasan Balyuzi, Baha'u'llah: King of Glory (vol. 2 of
biographical series) |
BS1 |
= |
John Walbridge, Sacred Acts, Sacred Space, Sacred Time:
Baha'i Studies vol.1 |
BS2 |
= |
Diana Malouf, Unveiling the Hidden Words: Baha'i Studies
vol.2 |
BS3 |
= |
Moojan Momen, ed., Scripture and Revelation: Baha'i Studies
vol.3 |
= |
Baha'i Studies Bulletin |
= |
Baha'i Studies Review |
BW |
= |
The Baha'i World: An International Record (subtitle
varies; volume numbers cease after vol.19, replaced with date only) |
Covenant |
= |
Adib Taherzadeh, The Covenant of Baha'u'llah |
= |
Baha'u'llah, Epistle to the Son of the Wolf |
Gleanings |
= |
Baha'u'llah, Gleanings from the Writings of Baha'u'llah
= |
Shoghi Effendi, God Passes By |
HW |
= |
Baha'u'llah, The Hidden Words of Baha'u'llah |
Iqan |
= |
Baha'u'llah, The Kitab-i-Iqan |
= |
Journal of Baha'i Studies |
= |
Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society |
= |
Shoghi Effendi, The Promised Day is Come |
= |
Abdu'l-Baha, Promulgation of Universal Peace |
Revelation |
= |
Adib Taherzadeh, The Revelation of Baha'u'llah (vol.1
= 1853-63; vol.2 = 1863-68; vol.3 = 1868-77; vol.4 = 1877-92) |
= |
Abdu'l-Baha, Some Answered Questions |
= |
Moojan Momen, ed. Studies in Babi and Baha'i History : Studies
in Babi and Baha'i History vol.1 |
= |
Juan Cole and Moojan Momen, eds. From Iran East to West:
Studies in Babi and Baha'i History vol.2 |
= |
Peter Smith, ed. In Iran: Studies in Babi and Baha'i History
vol.3 |
= |
R. Jackson Armstrong-Ingram. Music, Devotions, and the Mashriqu'l-Adhkar:
Studies in Babi and Baha'i History vol.4 (cited as Armstrong-Ingram,
Music, Devotions...) |
= |
Moojan Momen, ed. Studies in Honor of the Late Hasan M.
Balyuzi: Studies in the Babi and Baha'i Religions vol.5 (before vol.
5 was "SBBH"; see above) |
= |
Richard Hollinger, ed. Community Histories: Studies in the
Babi and Baha'i Religions vol.6 |
= |
Christopher Buck. Symbol and Secret: Studies in the Babi
and Baha'i Religions vol.7 (cited as Buck, Symbol and Secret)
= |
Jack McLean, ed. Revisioning the Sacred: Studies in the
Babi and Baha'i Religions vol.8 |
= |
Juan Cole, Modernity and the Millennium: Studies in the
Babi and Baha'i Religions vol.9 (cited as Cole, Modernity and Millennium)
SBBR10 |
= |
Christopher Buck, Paradise and Paradigm: Studies in the
Babi and Baha'i Religions vol.10 (cited as Buck, Paradise and Paradigm)
= |
Shoghi Effendi, The World Order of Baha'u'llah |
The following tablets have no known Persian or Arabic name, and in most cases I have chosen a name myself from some characteristic phrase at the beginning - usually the beginning of the section translated in English.
Some prayers, especially those for which both the original and a translation can be identified, are given below. Those which have an identifiable name or are discussed in the literature should be in the 'tablets' list. Obligatory prayers are found under 'salat' or 'lawh-i salat'. It follows that the names here are my own invention, using a subject or striking phrase which is identifiable in the first half-page or so. The opening formula is generally omitted. The list should ideally be expanded to list all prayers by opening lines in both the original and translation. Assistance with this would be greatly appreciated.